A note from my heart...

Earlier today I posted about missing photographing my clients and a friend asked, genuinely curiously, why photographers were not allowed to be photographing if they can social distance etc.

I gave my understanding and thoughts on the situation.

Another local photographer hoped in to join the conversation and I was thrilled.

She said some things that hit my heart (see my insta story or the public post on my personal facebook for what she said) and in responding to her kindness what is guiding my own choices came out...

No amount of money is worth risking pain, suffering and loss for my clients, my colleagues, or my own family.

Do I miss my clients and my in person work? More than I can express in words - its so much of my souls calling as well as my own personal medicine for my well being. Great people, beautiful moments, and creating something.

But when the time comes, and its safe to do so, you can bet I will be here arms wide open ready to welcome and assist my clients in person again.

For now, I'm focusing on how I can support them from a distance and focusing on learning, growing and evolving so that when I am back behind the camera I can be an even better photographer, business woman, and friend supporting and celebrating them.

Based on current information, all sessions for June are on hold indefinitely. If you have a session booked, I will be reaching out to you individually to discus our options going forward.

Know that if there's anything I can do to help support you with your wedding planning, your business growth, or just a friendly conversation to not feel so alone. I'm never more than a message away!


Photo Fabulous Masterclass


Photos for Biz Babes is here!