Checking In....

What crazy times we live in. As we all settle into our new normal, I wanted to touch base with you.

How are you doing? like really?

I have been thinking about so many of my current clients, my past clients, the people I have been blessed to meet at bridal shows and more. You guys are my community and you mean the world to me.

I suspect that like me, you are having to adjust to a new normal.
So much of our day to day life has been impacted. Things we have never thought much about (like will I be able to get toilet paper when i need it) are now a part of our daily thoughts. Many people have lost the structure of our days. In our house things have shifted a LOT.

A normal weekday saw me up early to workout and work in the office before heading off to the school to teach. A morning of hectic but fun times in kindergarten. An afternoon balancing office work and meetings with driving my grade 8 daughter from her elementary school to her high school math course and back. Making dinner and balancing our schedule of pool leagues, martial arts, horseback riding 6 days a week.

Now ours days and nights...they are open.
My husband still goes to work as an essential service. I still work in the office. Meeting still happen virtually whenever they can.
But the schedule is wide open.

There is a freedom and an anxiousness to that open schedule for all of us.

I hope you are finding the freedom, the opportunity and the positives in all of it. But when you can't, let's be grateful for what we do have.
We have so much to be grateful for and if nothing else, we can be grateful that this is temporary. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

If you need some support, or a virtual coffee date - I'm here for you. Just hit reply.


April Session Updates...


Exciting news and a new offer years in the making