Telling Stories of People In Love through Photography

Purple haired London Wedding, Portrait, and Branding Photographer Rebecca Nash Emerson laughing with her camera
Smiling headshot of Purple haired London Wedding, Portrait, and Branding Photographer Rebecca Nash Emerson

ABOUT Rebecca

Introducing YOUR PHOTO Bff

My love of people, stories, and celebrating love and happiness started early…with the people around me and the books I embraced as my best friends who were always there for me.

Now I spend my days celebrating, creating, and telling the best stories of all…yours!

Stories of romance and love. Stories of creative passion. Stories of loving all that you are (even the quirky bits).

With more than a decade of experience (how the heck did that happen?!?), I’m the wild-at-heart creative bestie you never knew you always needed.

Rebecca Nash Photography

email -
phone - 226-973-7115

Studio - By Appointment Only
538 Adelaide St N, Unit 218 (upper floor), London Ontario N6B 2B8